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Astro + Tailwind CSS Starter Guide

By CodexCode3 min read
6 reactions

Why Use Tailwind CSS with Astro?

Tailwind CSS allows you to create beautiful designs quickly with utility-first classes, while Astro ensures your site remains lightweight and fast by delivering only the necessary JavaScript. Together, they provide a seamless experience for developers who want to build performant and customizable websites efficiently.


Before we begin, make sure you have the following installed:

  • Node.js (LTS recommended)

  • npm or pnpm (recommended) or yarn

  • A basic understanding of Astro and Tailwind CSS

Setting Up Tailwind CSS in Astro

To add Tailwind CSS to your Astro project, follow these steps:

1. Create an Astro Project (If You Haven't Already)

If you don’t have an Astro project yet, create one using:

1npm create astro@latest my-astro-project
2cd my-astro-project
3npm install

2. Install Tailwind CSS and Its Dependencies

Run the following command to install Tailwind CSS, PostCSS, and Autoprefixer:

1npm install -D tailwindcss postcss autoprefixer

Then, generate the Tailwind configuration files:

1npx tailwindcss init -p

This will create:

  • tailwind.config.cjs Tailwind configuration file

  • postcss.config.cjs PostCSS configuration file

3. Configure Tailwind CSS

Modify the tailwind.config.cjs file to include Astro’s content:

1/** @type {import('tailwindcss').Config} */
2module.exports = {
3  content: ["./src/**/*.{astro,html,js,jsx,ts,tsx}"],
4  theme: {
5    extend: {},
6  },
7  plugins: [],

4. Add Tailwind to Your Styles

Create a global CSS file src/styles/global.css and add the following:

1@tailwind base;
2@tailwind components;
3@tailwind utilities;

Then, import this file in your src/layouts/Layout.astro or directly in src/pages/index.astro

2import "../styles/global.css"

5. Start Your Astro Project

Run the Astro development server:

1npm run dev

Now, you can use Tailwind CSS classes in your .astro components!

Using Tailwind CSS in Astro Components

You can apply Tailwind classes directly in your Astro components. Example:

2layout: "../layouts/Layout.astro"
5<div class="flex flex-col items-center justify-center h-screen bg-gray-100">
6  <h1 class="text-4xl font-bold text-blue-600">Hello, Astro + Tailwind!</h1>
7  <p class="mt-2 text-gray-600">Build fast and stylish websites with ease.</p>

SEO Optimization for Astro + Tailwind CSS

To ensure your Astro + Tailwind CSS site ranks well in search engines, follow these best practices:

Use Semantic HTML: Use proper HTML elements (<header>, <main>, <section>, etc.) to improve accessibility and SEO.

Optimize Meta Tags: Use Astro’s built-in support for dynamic <head> elements to add meta descriptions, keywords, and Open Graph tags.

Lazy Load Images: Use Astro’s <Image /> component to load images efficiently and improve performance.

Minimize CSS Size: Tailwind automatically removes unused styles in production, but ensure your build process is optimized.

Tips and Tricks for Tailwind CSS in Astro

Use @apply for Reusable Styles: Instead of repeating utility classes,

Use @apply: in your CSS files to create reusable styles.

Use Plugins for Extra Features: Tailwind’s plugin system allows adding features like forms, typography, and animations.

Optimize for Performance: Use Astro’s client:load or client:visible directives to control when JavaScript loads.


With Astro and Tailwind CSS, you can create fast, modern, and highly customizable websites. This setup allows you to take advantage of Tailwind’s utility classes while leveraging Astro’s performance benefits.

Now, go ahead and experiment with different Tailwind classes to style your Astro project! With these SEO and optimization tips, your site will be both beautiful and high-performing.


Written by CodexCode

Building the future of web development

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